Kev Sheldrake
Bps - Breakpoint Shenanigans
Tool: bps.0.4.tgz |
Slides: bps.0.3.pdf
The idea is to automate some of the things I use gdb for, namely repeatedly
breaking on certain addresses and displaying the contents of registers and
memory locations, and automatically continuing.
Breakpoints can be specified as either addresses or function names; display
information can be contents of registers, or the contents of buffers pointed
to by addresses or registers, with offsets. Buffers need to have the format
specified - b(ytes), h(alfwords), w(ords), s(tring); size (not for string);
and an optional offset. For each breakpoint you can specify the maximum
number of times to break on it. You can also specify a function or address to
hit before enabling the breakpoints.
If a count is specified for a breakpoint, then it will trigger any specified
actions after the specified number of times that breakpoint is hit; the
breakpoint will then be disabled. If a count is not specified, then the
breakpoint will trigger any specified actions every time the breakpoint is
Breakpoint actions are: enable or disable any number of breakpoints, including
itself (by 1-indexed count of breakpoints in the order specified on the
command line); kill the process that triggered the breakpoint; and enable or
disable copy of breakpoints on fork or thread creation. Breakpoint actions
that enable or disable breakpoints can either be local or global, meaning they
affect either the current process or thread or they affect all processes and
Program output defaults to stdout, but can be redirected to either stderr or
a named pipe.
Supported platforms
- 32bit x86 (Arch) linux
- 32bit ARM (Arch) linux (ARMv4-ARMv6 with Thumb support)
- 32bit MIPSEL (Debian7) linux
Expecting it to work on any other platforms is very optimistic of you.
MIPS port in the pipeline.
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