Kev Sheldrake
Jackal - Certificate cloner
Tool (Openssl 1.1.0): jackal.1.3.tgz
Tool (Openssl 1.0.0): jackal.1.0.tgz
Github: github/rtfcode/jackal
Slides: jackal.1.0.pdf
jackal clones SSL certificates. The purpose is to automate and simplify a
step in the SSL MITM process.
SSL/TLS connections are established on trust provided by the certificates that
are exchanged. Typically the server sends a certificate to the client for
verification. All certificates are signed by another certificate.
Self-signed certificates are signed by themselves; in all other cases, an end
user cerficate is signed by an intermediate certificate authority, which is
in-turn signed by other intermediates, the last of which is signed by a root
certificate authority. The root certificate authority is self-signed and
should be available to the tool or client that wants to verify the end user
To verify an end user certificate a tool or client finds the certificate that
signed it, and then recursively verifies that. If any of the certificates are
contained in the CA store, the certificate is deemed to have a valid
signature. There are other checks, such as validity dates and confirmation of
the end user certificate details to ensure the right certificate is in use.
Man-in-the-middle attacks are possible if the certificate verification
routines are flawed or if it is possible to add a fake CA to the CA store.
In order to effect such an attack, certificates that mimic the real
certificates are required. This tool, jackal, makes fake certificates that
are identical to the originals except for the change of keys.
With jackal you can clone a leaf (server) certificate, clone an entire
certificate chain, or resign a certificate chain with your own CA. Jackal
uses openssl library routines to load the certificates, modify them and re-sign
Supported platforms
- 32bit x86 (Arch) linux
- 64bit x86 (Arch && Kali) linux
Expecting it to work on any other platforms is very optimistic of you.
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